
NUCB BUSINESS SCHOOL - Graduate School of Management


Executive Education

Focused Program

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  5. Case Method in Practice

Case Method in Practice

Entry Closed

To lead an organization or community, conducting discussions is an effective method to engage multiple members and to define direction. This course for beginners focuses on improvement of skill to facilitate discussions.

Registration deadline:

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Registrants must note that refunds cannot be granted when cancellation notification is received later than four weeks prior to the start date.


26 reviews
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  • Business


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Registration deadline

Professionals / Almuni / Faculty & Administrators



  • To help participants understand each other's needs in the classroom.
  • The instructor will share his/her knowledge about case method education.
  • The lecturer will provide information about the situation of case method education in Japan.
  • Participants will ask the lecturer various questions, and the lecturer will answer them.
  • The lecturer will conduct a typical discussion class with the participants acting as students.
  • After the class, the instructor discloses the lesson plan, and the participants are free to ask questions about it.
  • Decide on the facilitators for the next day's mini-discussion class (limited to four), and discuss how the instructor can provide support tonight and tomorrow morning in preparation for tomorrow.


  • Review the previous day's activities.
  • Mini-discussion class 1) (teacher's point of view)
  • Mini-discussion class 1 (teacher's point of view): "Case method education tends to be insufficient in imparting knowledge".
  • Mini-discussion class 2 (from students' point of view)
  • Mini-discussion class 2 (from students' perspective): "Case method classes are bewildering because there are no answers.
  • Mini-discussion lesson (3) (manager's perspective)
  • Mini-discussion class 3 (administrator's perspective): "It is not easy to implement case method education systematically.
  • Mini-discussion class 4 (general perspective)
  • Mini-discussion class 4 (general perspective): "Choosing to study/teach at an educational institution that teaches using the case method
  • Summary of the two days.
  • All participants will declare what they will do from tomorrow.


  • Developing Management Skills by Case Method", Keio Business School
  • A cash miscalculation at a convenience store
  • I want you to teach me the latest theories in a way that I can understand. Original
  • What does it mean to be 'bewildered' at the end of a class? Instructor's original
  • I can't 'live' here unless I teach using the case method. Instructor's original
  • Should I enroll in Nagakute Business School?

Textbooks and reference materials


Not used specifically.


Haruo Takagi, Shinichi Takeuchi, Introduction to Case Method Teaching: Theory, Technique, Practice, and Kokoro, Keio University Press, 2010.



  • I was able to understand the structure, meaning, preparation method, and teaching method of the case method very well. I was able to deepen my understanding of case method education, as it is a set of experiences and protests to put the experiences into practice, and is well-balanced.

    Education 40s Female

  • I was able to experience the importance of discussion classes, and since I am usually in the position of running training programs, this training gave me a fresh perspective on being on the receiving end of training.

    Management 30s Male

  • By thinking about it from various perspectives, including those of the faculty, students, and administrators, I was able to deepen my understanding of the case method class, which had been bothering me for a long time.

    Professinal 30s Male

  • It was very interesting for the students to be able to think in the shoes of the lecturer and have the first experience of actually giving a lecture.It was also a good opportunity for the students to work together in groups and discuss with the teacher.

    Management 40s Male

  • The group discussions and preparations for the next day's class made me feel that the community of learning was once again beneficial. I am glad that I was able to participate in the class as it will help me to participate in future classes and work on my assignments. I'll do my best to absorb more in the future! Thank you very much.

    Sales 30s Female

  • The teacher was very warm and passionate, and the class was small in size, so I was able to take the class in the most psychologically safe atmosphere I have ever taken. Also, I had no confidence in my speech, but this class gave me some confidence in my speech. Thank you very much!

    Independent business 30s Male

  • I was able to gain a completely opposite perspective from the perception of "taking" a class, and I was able to recognize once again that it is necessary to not only have people "attend" meetings, but also to have them "participate" and that this requires preparation on the part of the organizer. I would like to make the best use of this workshop to make the meetings more active in generating opinions. Thank you very much.

    sales 30s Male

  • I think this class should be a required course for MBA.

    sales 30s Female

  • It will be very helpful to understand the case method teaching method practiced by NUCB. I feel that it should be a required course.

    Management 40s Male

  • He encouraged civility and tolerance so that even those with no MBA experience could fit into the class. The lectures were very useful in deepening my understanding of the case method.

    doctor 40s Male

  • This class took the rare approach of thinking from the professor's side, and we believe it was extremely meaningful in expanding the scope and depth of our understanding of other classes.

    Sales 30s Male

  • The class was conducted in a warm atmosphere, and the fearful act of speaking up was warmly welcomed. As a result, I was able to learn how to be a teacher who teaches the case method and how to be a student who participates in the class. I believe that this was a learning experience that could not have been achieved without this class, "Learning the case method through the case method.

    Education 30s Male

  • ecause of the teacher's wide range of knowledge, I felt that it was amazing how he was able to adjust the direction of the class by showing valid examples when the content of the discussion diverged from what was said in class. Also, by holding the case method as a team, I felt that the case method teaching method would be an important factor in my actual work as well as in team reading.

    Education 40s Male

  • By deepening my understanding of the case method class, I was able to prepare myself as a student and have an opportunity to re-evaluate my own goals and objectives. Also, I could feel in the lecture that you carefully read and understood the text for the preliminary assignment. Thank you very much.

    Professional 30s Male

  • It was a valuable experience for me to develop a class from the standpoint of a teacher. It gave me an opportunity to think deeply about the intention of case assignments in my future classes.

    Office Worker 30s Male

  • I had some concerns about the students conducting the class, but each student prepared well and understood the material very well. The teacher's guidance was effective and the class was very useful.

    Office Worker 30s Female

  • We felt that it would be great to have everyone experience running a case method class as a faculty member and receive feedback.

    Office Worker 40s Male

  • It was my first time to attend this course, and I liked the atmosphere and placemaking to participate without being intimidated. Thank you very much.

    Office Worker 30s Female

  • I am glad that I was able to train my practical skills by planning my own case discussion plan and practicing it. I wanted to work on something other than planning with a focus on the case method. I will not forget Moya Moya Lover and will do my best now for my future growth. Thank you very much.

    Office Worker 30s Male

  • We learned a lot from the content of Mr. Takeuchi's generous presentation of his own handiwork.

    Office Worker 50s Male