

Executive Education

Focused Program

  1. TOP
  2. 教育課程
  3. MBA単科
  4. 単科一覧
  5. High Reliability Organizations

High Reliability Organizations

High Reliability Organizations

終了 #100% in English #土日2日間授業 #1weekendcourse #対面授業(東京校) #Onsite in Tokyo

This course goes beyond the original HRO. We will talk about VUCA reliability, not just crisis reliability. It takes new ways of thinking, organizing, engaging in a “wicked” world. How can organizations plan for a complex and uncertain environment? How can they think and build organizational resilience? How can they build reserves of organizational knowledge?HRO is not about building a crystal ball. We cannot see the next COVID. But we can prepare our organization to be ready, robust, flexible for the next minor or major event.





レビュー 23件
  • トピック


  • 職種


  • ポジション

    経営者 / 役員

  • 受講料


  • 言語


  • 開講形式


〒100-6309 東京都千代田区丸の内2-4-1丸の内ビルディング7F、9F

社会人 / 修了生 / 国際学生



  1. In class case: The 1977 Tenerife Disaster
  2. Discuss resilience in business
  3. Miracle on the Hudson
  4. Discussion about scenario planning


  1. Lego Scenario planning
  2. Lean start up
  3. Sephora case discussion
  4. Organizational ambidexterity discussion (Fuji Film)


  • Resilience in Business UV 7118 “Miracle on the Hudson” (A) : Landing US Air Flight Airways 1549
  • HKS 713 “Miracle on the Hudson” (B) : Rescuing Passengers and Raising the Plane HKS 714
  • A Note on Scenario Planning 9-306-003
  • Lego Group: Envisioning Risks in Asia (A) 9-113-054
  • How Lean Start-up Changes Everything R1305C
  • Bosch: Luxora to Sephora Online: Opportunities in Beauty SMU449
  • Case: Organizational Ambidexterity in Action: How Managers Explore and Exploit CMR486



  • 配布資料


  • Perrow, C. (2011) Normal Accidents: Living with High Risk Technologies ‎ Princeton University Press
  • Weick, K. and Sutcliffe, K. (2015) Managing the Unexpected: Sustained Performance in a Complex World 3rd Edition, Jossey-Bass.


  • 英語力を証明する試験スコア ※5年以内
    (TOEFL PBT 550, CBT 213, iBT 80 / IELTS 6.0 / TOEIC 750点以上)  
  • 卒業大学(大学院)の卒業証明書或いは学位記の写し
  • 顔写真





  • The professor was well familiar with the content he taught.

    営業職 40代 男性

  • The hands on application exercises of each theoretical concept. The group exercises were great.

    自営業 30代 女性

  • It was very good to use the frameworks to do exercises with Professor's cheerful teaching style.

    公務員 20代 男性

  • Small class with one of the best professor in NUCB. Real examples of how to integrate the theory in practise

    管理職 40代 男性

  • The frameworks and lecture were really helpful to understand the context of theory and the implementations in the real world.

    留学生 20代 男性

  • The cases were highly relevant and highlighted the nuances of the course in a clear way. The professor too gave real life examples in order to have the students understand a particular concept.

    自営業 30代 女性

  • Miro board helped everybody understand and at the same page.

    営業 30代 男性

  • Online courses use mirror software very well, everyone can interact online, the content of the class is very attractive, and the professor is very humorous

    留学生 20代 女性

  • Thank you Prof. Ricky for another interesting class! I enjoy the knowledge you taught us and your lecture style very much!!!

    コンサルタント 40代 男性

  • I think it's practical and I would like to utilize all the takeaways of this class to my daily business. Actually, I am using scenario analysis for my consultation work to my clients, thus I would like to deepen the way I implement my work by these takeaways.

    コンサルタント 30代 男性

  • I like the different supports we uses : videos, quizz, case studies. I like the professor humour. Like the variety of topic cover. Interesting frameworks.

    留学生 20代 女性

  • There was a lot of information to take in and learn in these two days but the professor made it easy and fun to learn as he introduced the concept then have the students discuss their views plus we did exercise to implement the concept. None the less this class and an exciting and knowledgeable class

    留学生 30代 男性

  • I really liked the interactive aspect of this course through the Miro Platform. The course was well balanced in terms of content and activities. I also really liked the teaching style of the professor, with a great sense of humor. He managed to give everyone some time to express themselve and did not hesitate to tell people to stop monopolizing the discussion when needed. It was great.

    留学生 20代 男性

  • The course was well organized, with each theory explained to the point without wasting much time. The professor teachings was very clear and efficient, making it easy to understand.

    会社員 30代 女性