
教員 & 研究

Faculty & Research



加藤 和彦


加藤 和彦


通信の自由化によって誕生したベンチャー企業のDDI(現在のKDDI)にて、新設事務所開設や国内営業企画等に従事の後、豪州現地法人のシニア・マネージャーを務め、その間、豪BOND大学でMBA、豪シドニー大学でMA in International Studiesを修了。帰国後、米国シリコンバレーIT企業であるサン・マイクロシステムズの競合戦略室(WarRoom)の日本担当責任者としてサーバーの競合戦略、シスコシステムズでIPベースの新規ソリューションの日本市場普及等、世界的IT企業の日本法人での役職を歴任。中京地区の医工連携・産学官連携のコーディネイトに従事の後、2016年より現職。早稲田大学大学院博士後期課程修了(博士(商学)早稲田大学)。専門は「経営戦略」「経営情報論」「国際経営戦略」「ベンチャービジネス論」等。IT企業のプラットフォーム競争戦略や産学官連携のベンチャー育成に関する講演・論文等多数。著書に「IoT時代のプラットフォーム競争戦略(中央経済社)」 また研究成果の実務分野へのフィードバックとして東海地区の企業に新規事業のビジネスモデル構築や事業化支援を通じ助言をおこなっている。

Research Interests


Final Education

Ph.D., 早稲田大学

Awards & Honours

  • (2024) Research Encouragement Awards in Japan Development Engineering Society. The Development Engineering Society of Japan
  • (2024) Excellence Prize in Japan Development Society. The Development Engineering Society of Japan
  • (2023) Excellence Prize in Japan Development Society. The Development Engineering Society of Japan
  • (2023) Excellence Prize in Japan Development Society. The Development Engineering Society of Japan
  • (2022) Teaching Award 2021 / NUCB Graduate School(NUCB Business School ). Kurimoto Educational Institute
  • (2022) Teaching Award 2021 / NUCB Undergraduate School. Kurimoto Educational Institute
  • (2022) Research Encouragement Awards in Japan Development Engineering Society. The Development Engineering Society of Japan
  • (2022) Research Encouragement Awards in Japan Development Engineering Society. The Development Engineering Society of Japan
  • (2020) Excellence Awards in Japan Development Society. The Development Engineering Society of Japan
  • (2020) Research Encouragement Awards in Japan Development Engineering Society. The Development Engineering Society of Japan
  • (2019) Teaching Award 2018 . NUCB

Academic Papers

  • Kazuhiko Kato (2024) Building an Ecosystem and Challenges 〜Findings from a case study of diagnostic imaging software〜. The Development Engineering Society of Japan :1343-7623
  • Kazuhiko Kato (2024) Open/Close Strategies in Intellectual Property 〜A Case Study of Thin Lithium-Ion Rechargeable Batteries〜. The Development Engineering Society of Japan :1343-7623
  • Kazuhiko Kato (2023) Research on Data Utilization in Platform Strategy 〜Referring to previous studies and the case study of the integrated application〜. The Development Engineering Society of Japan 42 (1) :1343-7623
  • Kazuhiko Kato (2023) Effectuation and GA (Genetic Algorithm) Complementarity. The Development Engineering Society of Japan 42 (1) :1343-7623
  • Kazuhiko Kato (2021) Consideration of effectuation and causation on the process of new business development - Through the examples of Western digital and NVIDIA -. The Development Engineering Society of Japan :1343-7623
  • Kazuhiko Kato (2021) Successes and challenges of HORIBA's business development based on effectuation. The Development Engineering Society of Japan :1343-7623
  • Kazuhiko Kato (2021) Research on network effect promoting factors in platform strategy for creating movable estate ― Consideration from MaaS case of MONET Technologies Inc. ―. BMA Journal 21 (1) :2432-1850
  • Kazuhiko Kato (2020) “Movable Estate” creation strategy and issues in MaaS(Mobility as a Service) - An observation through a case of the alliance of Toyota Motor Corporation and Softbank Corp. -. The Development Engineering Society of Japan :1343-7623
  • Kazuhiko Kato (2020) Background of the automotive industry's smart city strategy and the merits and demerits of the WTA (Winner takes all) - Observations from Toyota's Woven City case study -. The Development Engineering Society of Japan :1343-7623
  • Kazuhiko Kato (2020) The Study of Chicken Egg Problem in Subspecies of Software Product: - The Perspective of Platform Envelopment Leveraging Developers -. Journal of Japan Society for Information and Management 46 :ISSN 18820271


  • (2024) Methodology for Building Ecosystems in Smart Cities. Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Primary Researcher

Book & Case Publishing

  • Kazuhiko Kato (2020) Radiohead: Music at Your Own Price (A). Harvard Business School .
  • Kazuhiko Kato (2020) Radiohead: Music at Your Own Price (B). Harvard Business School .
  • Kazuhiko Kato (2020) Zipcar: Influencing Customer Behavior. Harvard Business School .
  • Kazuhiko Kato (2020) Apple's Core. Harvard Business School .
  • Kazuhiko Kato (2020) The Jenner Situation. Harvard Business School .
  • Kazuhiko Kato (2020) Airbnb (A). Harvard Business School .