
教員 & 研究

Faculty & Research



小林 武


小林 武


慶應義塾大学商学部卒業後、東京銀行に入行。8年半の銀行勤務を経て、HEC経営大学院にてMSc International Finance取得。帰国後、格付投資情報センター、バークレイズ・グローバル・インベスターズ、三菱UFJモルガンスタンレー証券、NSフィナンシャルマネジメントコンサルティングなどに勤務。様々な金融機関で20年以上にわたり、企業評価、資産運用、コンサルティング、リサーチ業務等に従事。会社員として勤務の傍ら、筑波大学大学院ビジネス科学研究科にて博士(経営学)取得。2014年4月より現職。2022年よりInstitution for a Global Society株式会社の社外監査役に就任。金融業界の実務経験を活かしながら、理論と実践のバランスを心がけた教育・研究活動を続けていきたい。

Research Interests


Final Education

Ph.D., 筑波大学

Awards & Honours

  • (2022) Teaching Award 2021, Business School. Kurimoto Educational Institute
  • (2021) Teaching Award 2020, Business School. Kurimoto Educational Institute

Academic Papers

  • Takeshi Kobayashi (2021) Common Factors in the Term Structure of Credit Spreads and Predicting the Macroeconomy in Japan. International Journal of Financial Studies :ISSN 2227-7072


  • (2023) Driving factors of Long-term interest rate and prediction of bond excess returns in global bond market. Trust Company Association of Japan Primary Researcher
  • (2023) Global Term Structure Model and International Bond Investment strategy. Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Primary Researcher
  • (2022) Global Term Structure Model and International Bond Investment strategy. Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Primary Researcher
  • (2022) Term Structure of Credit Spreads and the Macroeconomy in Japan(2021). Japan Society of Promotion of Science Primary Researcher
  • (2021) Smart Beta Strategies for Global Government Bond. Kampozaidan Primary Researcher
  • (2020) Term Structure Modeling of Global Bond Maket Interaction and Application to Bond Portfolio(Copy). Trust Companies Association of Japan Primary Researcher
  • (2020) Estimation of Zero Coupon Yield Curve Using Japanese Corporate Bond Price Data. ISHII MEMORIAL SECURITIES RESEARCH PROMOTION FOUNDATION Primary Researcher
  • (2020) Term Structure of Credit Spreads and the Macroeconomy in Japan(2020). Japan Society of Promotion of Science Primary Researcher
  • (2019) Term Structure Modeling of Global Bond Maket Interaction and Application to Bond Portfolio. Trust Companies Association of Japan Primary Researcher
  • (2019) Term Structure of Credit Spreads and the Macroeconomy in Japan. Japan Society of Promotion of Science Primary Researcher

Book & Case Publishing

  • Takeshi Kobayashi (2020) Dell's Working Capital. Harvard Business School .
  • Takeshi Kobayashi (2020) Stryker Corp.: In-sourcing PCBs. Harvard Business School .
  • Takeshi Kobayashi (2020) Valuing Capital Investment Projects. Harvard Business School .