
教員 & 研究

Faculty & Research



Ricardo Lim


Ricardo Lim


Dr. Lim is a Professor at NUCB. He served as AACSB mentor and team member on accreditation reviews for Japanese, Taiwanese, and New Zealand business schools. He was Dean of the Asian Institute of Management and President of the AAPBS, a consortium of 60 Asia-Pacific business schools, Chair of the Philippine Academy of Management, and an academic board member of the Global Business School Network, GBSN, in Washington, D.C. Before academe, Dr. Lim was a consultant for the Siemens-Nixdorf Computer Company in Manila, and the Computer Sciences Corporation in Boston. He currently consults for education and retail companies.

Research Interests

Design Thinking, Quantitative Analysis, Operations

Final Education

Ph.D., University of Southern California, Marshall School of Business

Awards & Honours

  • (2023) Teaching Award 2022, Business School. Kurimoto Educational Institute

Academic Papers

  • Ricardo Lim (2023) Determinants of Conspicuous Consumption in Smartphones. Asia Pacific Journal of Information Systems 33 (3) :2288-5404
  • Ricardo Lim (2023) A Study of Satisfaction and Loyalty for Continuance Intention of Mobile Wallet in India. International Journal of E-Adoption (IJEA) 15 (1) :1937-9633
  • Ricardo Lim (2021) Developing and Testing a Smartphone Dependency Scale Assessing Addiction Risk. International Journal of Risk and Contingency Management 10 (4) :2160-9624
  • Ricardo Lim (2021) Business Model Innovation: A Study of Empowering Leadership. Creativity and Innovation Management :1467-8691
  • Ricardo Lim (2021) The Effect of Reciprocity on Mobile Wallet Intention: A Study of Filipino Consumers. International Journal of Asian Business and Information Management 12 (2) :1947-9638