
教員 & 研究

Faculty & Research



竹内 伸一


竹内 伸一



マツダ株式会社では国内販売会社の経営管理を人材育成の側面から主導し、国内拡販プログラムとしてのMazda Sales Expansion、ならびに社内変革プログラムとしてのStrategic Initiativesに参画。当時の親会社フォードのプライマリー6ブランド(Ford, Lincoln-Mercury, Volvo, Jaguar, Aston Martin, Mazda)との本国事業交流イニシアチブであるFord Exchange Programメンバーとして、米国ディアボーンでも活動した。専門領域はケースメソッド教育で、その探求のための学問バックグランウンドは教育哲学・教育方法学・専門職教育史(高等教育史)・教育経営学・組織行動学・管理会計学と、教育学と経営学の両面からアプローチできる立場にある。ケースメソッド教育の組織導入実績および著書・論文・記事、大学FD出講多数。

Research Interests


Final Education

Ph.D., 広島大学

Awards & Honours

  • (2020) Teaching Award 2019, Undergraduate. Kurimoto Educational Institute

Academic Papers

  • Shinichi Takeuchi (2024) Impact of AACSB Accreditation on Education Quality: Perceptions of Faculty in an Accredited School in Japan. International Journal of Educational Management
  • Shinichi Takeuchi (2023) Truncated Education, Untruncated Learning: Focus on "Intermediate Media" in The Case Method Education. Forum on modern education (32) :09196560
  • Shinichi Takeuchi (2023) How Case Method Education Contributes to the Exploration of Leadership in School Education?. Bulletin of the Education Faculty, Shizuoka University. Liberal arts and social sciences series (74) :02867303
  • Shinichi Takeuchi (2022) Case Method Education at Schools: From Professional Education to Public Education. Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Shizuoka University. Educational research series 54 :0286732X
  • Shinichi Takeuchi (2021) A Study on the Feasibility of "Exploratory Learning" : Using Case Method and Out-of-School Education System. Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Shizuoka University. Educational research series 53 :0286732X
  • Shinichi Takeuchi (2021) An Attempt to Reconstruct ‘Moral Education Based on the Case Method of Teaching’: Based on Four Approaches: Online Class Delivery, Out-of-School Education System, Cooperation with Education NPO’s, and Student Participation in Teacher Education Programme. Bulletin of the Center for Educational Research and Teacher Development, Shizuoka University 31 :13480707
  • Shinichi Takeuchi (2021) Active learning in Japan: Breaking barriers at individual, institutional, and policy levels. Policy Futures in Education
  • Shinichi Takeuchi (2020) The demise of active learning even before its implementation? Instructors’ understandings and application of this approach within Japanese higher education. Education Inquiry :ISSN 2000-4508
  • Shinichi Takeuchi (2020) Institutional Practices of Online Classes at Nagoya University of Commerce & Business. IDE(Institute for Development of Higher Education) 623 (8) :0389-0511
  • Shinichi Takeuchi (2020) Instructors’ understanding, practices, and issues regarding the use of the case method in higher education. Further and Higher Education
  • Shinichi Takeuchi (2019) A study on a principal who directed moral education practice by case method: Through extracting of the educational practice foundation formed inside the leader from the narrative. Bulletin of Faculty of Education, Shizuoka University. Kyoka kyoiku series. (51)


  • (2022) Renovation and development of moral education in high schools through program development and practice of “Inquiry Learning". Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C).Co-Investigator.. Sizuoka University. Co-researcher

Book & Case Publishing

  • Kamatsuka Yuko, Nakamura Michitaro, Takeuchi Shinichi (2023) A casebook for exploratory moral education through discussion. ITSC Shizuoka
  • Shibata Yoshiyuki (2022) Industrial Health and Nursing. Medica syuppan
  • Nakamura Michitaro, Kamazuka Yuko, Takeuchi Shinichi (2022) Inquiry Learning and The Case Method - New challenges for building classes for educational innovators -. Gakuji Shuppan
  • Tanaka Maria, Sugita Hirotaka (2021) Colloquium Teaching Course Volume 7 Moral Education. Kyoudousyuppan
  • Shinichi Takeuchi (2020) LIXIL Group Corporation: Building a New Company in an Old Industry. Harvard Business School. 420J02
  • Shinichi Takeuchi (2020) Mary Griffin at Derby Foods. Harvard Business School .
  • Shinichi Takeuchi (2020) Karen Leary (A). Harvard Business School .
  • Shinichi Takeuchi (2020) Karen Leary (B). Harvard Business School .
  • Shinichi Takeuchi (2020) Karen Leary (C). Harvard Business School .
  • Shinichi Takeuchi (2020) Name Your Price: Compensation Negotiation at Whole Health Management (A). Harvard Business School .
  • Shinichi Takeuchi (2020) Name Your Price: Compensation Negotiation at Whole Health Management (B). Harvard Business School .
  • Shinichi Takeuchi (2020) Name Your Price: Compensation Negotiation at Whole Health Management (C) . Harvard Business School .