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#MBA #オンライン #遠隔授業

新型コロナウイルス感染症 (COVID-19)拡大に伴い、本学では新学期からすべての授業をオンラインで行っています。もちろん授業だけでなく、2年次から始まるケースライティングの指導もオンラインで行われています。本日は、起業家精神、デザイン思考を専門とするシンガポール出身Goi先生のセミナーが始まりました。受講生は国内の自宅から、そして来日できなかった受講生は自国(ドイツ、インド、ミャンマー、メキシコ等)からの参加となりました。初回授業且つオンライン開講のため、Goi先生は、受講生のモニターへの教材の写り方を細かく確認しながら授業をスタートしていました。受講生との信頼関係を築くため、自身の経歴について紹介し、受講生の緊張感をほぐしながら授業を進めていました。このように、どの先生も、オンライン受講でも対面受講と同様の雰囲気作りを心がけて授業を行っています。

Prof. Goi Hoe Chin
Dr Goi received his Doctorate degree in Media and Governance from Keio University and Master of Business Administration in Waseda University. His research fields include Entrepreneurship and Design Thinking. In additional, Dr Goi has rich experience in management research on student-based venture creation in University, especially in Japan and ASEAN region. Currently, Dr Goi has designed and employed “Collaborative based Design Thinking” model for the purpose of creating social impact in local towns. Leveraging on the diverse network and resources, Dr Goi collaborated with local community leaders, real estate corporation and non-profit organisation to experiment his model at several Japanese regional towns in Kanagawa, Chiba, Gifu and Aichi prefectures. Prior to his academic and research work, Dr Goi has possessed diverse working experienced in private, government and non-profit sector in Singapore for more than 10 years. He has served as a manager in several regional Community Development Councils (government) in Singapore for about 10 years. In addition, Dr Goi has contributed to the development and implementation of regional policies, and organised community and welfare projects that created social impact on the local community. Furthermore, Dr Goi has served at Assistant Director in National Volunteerism and Philanthropy Centre (NVPC) to develop partnership and provide consultation on corporate social responsibility (CSR) program for several corporation, such as, Avanade (Asia) and DHL (Singapore).