

International Programs


Student Reports

Short-term Study Abroad Report: Ken Sugano, "HBS: Changing the Game"

Can't make a decision on why you should attend a short-program at HBS? Well, Ken Sugano, a student at the Osaka Campus of NUCB Business School, is here to paint a picture of the quality of learning and life-style at Harvard Business School.


I attended “Changing the game” at HBS at the end of October as the short-term
study abroad program. It was impressive to meet the diversified colleagues with insightful views based on cultural and professional backgrounds.
I would be grateful if I could share the invaluable experience there for the reinforcement of NUCB community.

My objective

I. It was listed in my wish list to learn something with English outside Japan since
II. It is the hard-to-get-at experience to taste the education at the world most
famous institute. This is one of my motivations to choose NUCB.
III. I am hoping to be indulged in the case studies at the place of the origin.
IV. “Changingthegame” course hasl ots of roleplays for negotiation, which attracts me because it is different from ordinary case studies at NUCB.

Program goal and design

Its goal is to enhance abilities to negotiate can make or break businesses’ success and the career by developing psychological insights and practical skills needed to bargain more effectively, make better decisions on the spot, and consistently deliver results.
The contents of the course are organized based on psychology and behavioral economics. Surprisingly the first case study was Cater racing, which I studied in the class taught by Dr. Iwasawa.

84 participants came across the world. 30% was from North America and colleagues from ME, Africa, and Netherland were relatively large portions of the class.
Accommodation is equipped with the campus. It is like a single room at a hotel, but it has the common living room for each 8 colleagues. A living room group, which consist of 8 people, is regarded as a basic unit throughout the program. It helped tie good relationships.

The campus canteen provides fresh and delicious foods all day. They also serve alcohol when networking dinner is arranged. All the living activities can be completed within the campus.
The program was designed not only to learn the things in the classroom but also build networking.

Program details
It was 6 days’ program starting from Oct 29 with 10 cases by 5 professors.


* The course provided the knowledge of human’s natural tendencies to recognize things. On top of that it arranged role plays frequently. It was practical education to utilize learnings in negotiation immediately.

* The faculty, who are the global top in the field of the behavioral economics and
psychology in business, gave me impressive insights in the classroom. They are not
only professors but also practitioners.

* The method of the classroom was as same as that in NUCB. I was happy to confirm that the case method in NUCB is genuine.

* It was tough for me to participate in the classroom discussion due to limitation of my English skill though I could manage group work and discussion. I could convey opinions in the class two times in 6 days. I accomplished my minimum target but recognized gap from the requisite language skill. It motivates me to make effort continuously.

* The course gave three assignments beforehand. Others even cases were handed-over just before sessions started because the course was designed to provide role plays and simulations as real as possible. That was tough for me but could cope with the conditions to the end.

* No gadget to search for internet and taking photo was basically permitted in the classroom to concentrate on the discussion. This is different from NUCB.

*  HBS organizes opportunities to build relationships among the colleagues. Before gathering at Boston, HBS arranged the online orientations. Prior to that, the participants were requested to post profiles to the online community. Plus, HBS formulated a basic unit. It was good for students to build intimacy and cooperative relations from the beginning that can help us be engaged in the education smoothly. It could be much better if NUCB could consider those orientations for team building when new students come so that students can achieve better learnings together by having a cooperative relationship with healthy competition. At least the school should provide a platform for minimum disclosure of classmates and pre -classroom orientation, which Osaka colleagues do spontaneously. Otherwise, individual is supposed to consider only own interests, which results in less interactive learnings.

*  My living group was one of the best teamwork in the education. I was lucky to join
the group and have friendship with them.

*  I could feel authentic atmosphere to learn up-to-date knowledge. The city of Boston
and the campus were beautiful.

*  In large, the education and experience in HBS was fantastic. I would be happy to take other courses if my financial situation permits and would like to recommend HBS program to classmates who are wondering whether they apply or not.

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