
教員 & 研究

Faculty & Research



阿部 博友


阿部 博友



Research Interests


Final Education

Ph.D., 筑波大学

Academic Papers

  • Hirotomo Abe (2024) About Brazilian Law No. 14.611 (2023) prohibiting gender pay disparity. Journal of the Japanese Institute of International Business Law 52 (6)
  • Hirotomo Abe (2024) Corporate governance for healthy capitalism - Examination of shareholder rights restriction provisions in Brazilian company law -. The Japanese Association of International Business Law 9 :2424-0753
  • Hirotomo Abe (2024) Draft Law No. 572/2022 Brazilian Human rights Due Diligence Law (Draft). International Business Law Journal 2024 (52)
  • Hirotomo Abe (2023) Regarding Law No. 14.470 amending the Brazilian Competition Law - Introduction of civil double compensation system -. International Business Law 51 (9)
  • Hirotomo Abe (2023) Human Rights Due Diligence and Directors’ Duty. Japanese Association of International Business Law (Annual Report No 8) March 2023 (8) :2424-0753
  • Hirotomo Abe (2023) A Comparative Study of Exemption Clauses in International Commercial Contracts. Annual Report No 8 : Japanese Association of International Business Law March 2023 (8) :2424-0753
  • Hirotomo Abe (2022) Corporate responsibility for Invasion of Human Rights. International Law Review 2022 Vol. 50 (No. 6)
  • Hirotomo Abe (2022) "Symposium on ESG and Corporate Social Responsibility Legislation" Directors' Duty of Care and Human Rights Issues. Hsuan Chuang Law Journal 37 (June 2022) :ISSN 1815-6509
  • Hirotomo Abe (2022) Symposium on ESG and Corporate Social Responsibility Legislation: Directors’ Duty of Care and Human Rights Issues. Hsuan Chuang University Law Journal (37)
  • Hirotomo Abe (2021) Corporate Social Responsibility and Human Rights Infringement Risks. International Business Law (KOKUSAI-SHOJIHO-KENKYUSHO) 49 (10) :0287-7511
  • Hirotomo Abe (2021) History of Competition Law in Latin America and Caribbean Countries. International Business Law (KOKUSAISHOUJIHOUMU) 49 (6) :0287-7511
  • Hirotomo Abe (2020) The amendment bill of Brazil to introduce compensation of punitive damages. International Business Law (KOKUSAISHOUJIHOUMU) 48 (10) :0287-7511
  • Hirotomo Abe (2019) Competition Law In Mexico and the Commitment Procedure. International Business Law (KOKUSAISHOUJIHOUMU) 47 (6) :0287-7511
  • Hirotomo Abe (2019) Corporate Governance, Compliance and Corporate Lawyers in Japan. Shingakurin Publishing 2 :978-986-295-929-9

Book & Case Publishing

  • Hirotomo Abe (2022) Introduction to International Business Law. Chuo Keizai Publishing
  • Hirotomo Abe (2021) The Laws in Brazil. University Publishing
  • Hirotomo Abe (2021) Legal English. Chuo Keizai Publishing
  • Hirotomo Abe (2020) Legal System in Brazil. University Education Press
  • Hirotomo Abe (2019) Comparative Law of Brazil-Japan. Shinzan-sha