
教員 & 研究

Faculty & Research







An expert on big data, artificial intelligence, and strategic leadership, Dr. Toscani is based in Barcelona, Spain, where he teaches at ESADE, in the Law School, ExEd department and Business school for the EMBA and MSc programmes. He is a visiting professor at CCL (Belgium), Politecnico MIlano (Italy), Pacifico Business School, in Lima (Perú), RANEPA & SKOLKOVO (Russia-SUSPENDED), Bath Business School (UK), ALU African Leadership University (Rwanda), Globis and NUCBBS (Japan).

He is an investor and advisor in Navozyme (Singapore)/Muns (Spain) and has an extensive experience with multinational companies like Telefonica (Spain, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Peru, Guatemala), General Electric (Europe), Nike and Megafon (Russia), Bic (France), Bayer (Portugal and Spain) and Ely Lily and PWC (Spain).

Research Interests

Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, Strategic Leadership

Final Education

PhD, KTH Royal Institute of Technology

Academic Papers

  • Giulio Toscani (2023) The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic for AI practitioners: the decrease in tacit knowledge sharing. Journal of Knowledge Management
  • Giulio Toscani (2023) Cómo el trabajo en remoto está reduciendo el conocimiento implícito. Harvard Deusto Business Review
  • Giulio Toscani (2022) Los mundos virtuales, un nuevo reto para la propiedad industrial de las marcas. Harvard Deusto Business Review
  • Giulio Toscani (2022) The role of reciprocity and reputation in service relationships with Arts organisations. Journal of Services Marketing