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Work shop presented by Dr. Rita Klapper

We welcome Dr. Rita Kalpper for work shop held on today, July 1st.
Dr.Klappers lecture is a mix of theory and practice, with a deliberate focus on European and in particular French entrepreneurship. She also presented some of the work she has been doing with her students in France. The
aim is to encourage an active exchange with the audience on the subject of entrepreneurship.

Dr.Klapper has started an entrepreneurial project with Mitsubishi Electric in Ratingen, Germany. She is interested in creating a link between NUCB Business School, Rouen and Mitsubishi Electric whose headquarters is also in Japan. She said
that the development of the different phases of the project is presently subject to the approval of further funding by the company. She is also interested in talking and discussing with our students and faculty members
at NUCB Business School on entrepreneurship.