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大中忠夫教授とNigel Denscombe教授の共著が出版されました

Corporate Sustainability Governance 電子書籍

kindle版書籍「Corporate Sustainability Governance」

本学の専任教員である大中忠夫教授とNigel Denscombe教授との共著「Corporate Sustainability Governance」が電子書籍として出版されました。 「企業の短期業績偏重経営を持続的進化を追求する経営に転換する企業統治の要件」を提起している小冊子です。


This booklet discusses a key question about the objective of corporate governance in the 21st century: Which of ‘ROE (Return on Equity)’ or ‘Corporate Sustainability’ should be selected as the supreme goal of corporate governance? It is also a question of whether “Investors’ Property” or “Social Entity” should be selected as the definition of corporation.
For the discussion, financial data of 460 manufacturing corporations in Japan for the period of 1993-2012 are reviewed to analyze the extent their R&D (Research & Development) and Quality Control competencies have declined since 2004, when a shift of corporation definition from traditional “Social Entity” to “Investors’ Property” emerged in Japan. Also analyzed is the contribution share of US manufacturing industries to the US GDP for the period of 1997-2013, in order to estimate the extent the value added creativity of the US manufacturing corporations - having been assumed historically as “Investors’ Property” - has declined during the past 17 year period.
As a conclusion from the analyses, in order to overcome the recent self-consuming cycle of manufacturing corporations in Japan and the USA, this booklet proposes the shift of the objective of corporate governance from maximizing ‘ROE’ to ‘Corporate Sustainability’. It is also a proposal for all industrial corporations in matured societies to recognize that the time has come that corporations liberate themselves from the yoke of monetarism philosophy and mission. Also proposed are primarily necessary tools and organizational change models for realizing the shift: Balanced Scorecard and advanced corporate sustainability models of Unilever, GE, P&G (Procter & Gamble), and 12 manufacturing corporations in Japan.

本書は、キンドル端末以外にスマホ、タブレット、i-pod でも無料キンドルアプリを使用して購読可能です。
Kindle 電子書籍は、Windows7, 8, 8.1 OS搭載のPCでも購読可能となっています。