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大中忠夫教授とNigel Denscombe教授とMarius Ungerer教授の共著が出版されました

Bushido AI Programming 電子書籍

kindle版書籍「Bushido AI Programming」

本学の専任教員である大中忠夫教授とNigel Denscombe教授と客員教授のMarius Ungerer教授 (Prof. USB, Cape Town) の共著Bushido AI Programming (English Edition) [Kindle版]が電子書籍として出版されました。 本書は「人間の思考力低下が経済弱体化を招くとし、武士道の精神を持って創造力を向上できる」と述べてる本です。


This booklet proposes how we could and why we should restore our creativity for global sustainability.

The emotional creativity of human beings has been deserted and forgotten to a great degree after the epoch-making invention of a logical program, scientific rationalization, that has been installed into modern human beings to the extreme that we assume and utilize it as the most fundamental value not only for general decision making but also for all over thoughts.

Through a conceptual designing of a kind of ‘Friendly AI’ and a thought experiment of whether such AI is feasible or not, this booklet discusses why the stagnation of the creativity of human beings is happening globally and how it is causing the relative shrinkage of the actual economy in comparison with the monetary economy, and then proposes, as one of the sources to revive the creativity growth, the stewardship of Bushido; the ethical system of the chivalry of old Japan.

This booklet assumes and expects as readers not only AI engineers but also all of young and old, male and female, aiming to take the initiative in exploring the sustainability of organizations, corporations, nations and global society.

This booklet is revised as of 12:00 JST January 11th, 2016. Purchasers of early version before the above time and date can obtain new version free by following the re-download procedure of Amazon Kindle book. However, as the procedure is different by country, please follow the one of the country of purchase.

本書は、キンドル端末以外にスマホ、タブレット、i-pod でも無料キンドルアプリを使用して購読可能です。
Kindle 電子書籍は、Windows7, 8, 8.1 OS搭載のPCでも購読可能となっています。