International Programs


Student Reports

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  4. ESAN経営大学院(ペルー)への交換留学 参加レポート Freddy Rocky MASONさん

ESAN経営大学院(ペルー)への交換留学 参加レポート Freddy Rocky MASONさん


2017年1月 参加レポート

ペルーにある提携校、ESAN経営大学院で1月〜2月までの交換留学に参加中のFreddy Rocky MASONさんより留学レポートが届きました!まだ留学がスタートしたばかりとのことですが、余暇でマチュピチュを訪問したり、異国での文化の違いや普段食べることのできない料理なども体験し、これから新たな土地で始まる学生生活に胸を踊らせているご様子です。

It has been great to get out of my comfort zone and experience the fascinating Peruvian culture. In my first week here I was lucky enough to visit Cusco to see the Sacred Valley, Macchu Picchu and eat Alpaca!Now I am settling into life in the bustling city of Lima, where the coastal views are simply breathtaking. I am not missing the cold weather of Nagoya!

I had the pleasure to have a breakfast meeting at ESAN to find out more about the school and to meet some classmates. My journey is a 1-hour crazy bus ride, which costs around 60 yen!
The campus at ESAN is fantastic, and the course Quality Assurance is very interesting with a class size of 10 students with diverse backgrounds. I am forever grateful for this opportunity and I am looking forward to the rest of the journey!

One of my lifelong dreams has been to visit Machu Picchu. The weather was perfect and I hiked up to the sun gate which was really difficult in the altitude but the view was amazing.

This is the campus at ESAN. It has been great to have a place to socialize with other students, with lots of options for cafes and an amazing library.

