

International Programs


Student Reports

レンヌビジネススクール(フランス)への交換留学 参加レポート Juvencia Deschamps Ralay Harisoaさん

#フランス #ビジネススクール

2018年2月 参加レポート

フランスにある提携校、レンヌビジネススクールで9日間のショートプログラムに参加したJuvencia Deschamps Ralay Harisoaさんの留学レポートをご紹介します。

Implementing CSR and Doing Business in Europe/France

For two days, we had a lecture about “Implementing CSR” given by the Professor Hervé DANIEL. He is also Head of the NGO “Créativ” which is advising Breton’s SME’s in their development strategy. Actually, his lecture was centered on the development of CSR from this special region in France “La Bretagne”.

During the course we did case practices of 5 business models solving the challenges presented by the present economy and environment: scarcity of raw materials and cost of energy, biodiversity damage, fight greenhouses gases, environmental damages and impact on health, new uses and purchase behaviors.

We had also the chance to meet the CEO of “N2C”: Mrs Kosette JARNOUEN. Her company is specialized in re-manufacturing of industrial engines which is based in eco-conception and tackle the challenge of environmental damages of these engines. For my group, we were asked to find solutions how can she export her business model (eco-conception) into US.

Company Visits and Cultural Activities

Le Village is a branch of “Crédit Agricole” which is one of the big brand of mutual bank in France. Le Village is an accelerator of Start Ups located in their respective region. They are not incubators, they offer to their starters (based on selection) the working space, the communication and marketing support in order to boost their sales.

We visited also Klaxoon, which is a digital company specialized in “meeting”. Once we entered the company we can have the feeling of fresh and young company, very colorful which gives us the idea of the image of the company. We had a demo of meeting online with our host. Finally, we also had a chance to enjoy cultural activities such as wine and cheese tasting and a visit to Mont Saint-Michel.

