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Netflix Inc. in India 2020

#Market Entry #Localization and marketing #Blue Ocean Strategy


Netflix Inc. has entered the Indian Digital streaming market in January, 2016. Being successful in other parts of the world like Europe, USA and other developed nations; they had hoped to replicate it to make an impact in India. Although it is a Global leader; by January 2020 Netflix was still lagging in Indian market at number 6 in market share and were very far from achieving their target of 100 Million paid subscribers from India. From Netflix’s launch until the end of 2018, Netflix’s content was either in English or had a Limited Liability Partnership with production houses to stream movies in local languages on their platform. In hopes of turning around the fortunes of Netflix, Reed Hastings, CEO of Netflix announced in 2019 that he would invest ₹3000 Crore ($400 million approx.) into the Indian market in the years 2019-2020 which would be used to create more localized content tailor made to cater to the Indian audience. India is an important market for Netflix, as it has a population of 1.3 Billion with more and more internet users cropping up every day and the fact that they can’t enter China made the market more attractive. Despite Netflix operating in India for four years, with about 40 competitors, still has to make a significant impact. Netflix started offering consumers an option to stream content on mobile for a cheaper price and expects to gain more market share, called as ‘India only Strategy’ available only in India. Should Netflix get into price wars as they ignored the purchasing power parity of Indian consumers? This business case is about the strategies adopted by Netflix throughout the four years of their operation in India and under circumstances would Netflix be able to reach its goal of 100 million paid subscribers from India.


ケースID 20-1070
登録 2020
業界 インターネット附随サービス業
分析領域 マーケティング
ページ数 25
言語 English
ティーチングノート あり