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Domino’s 2019

#Digital transformation #Food Delivery restaurant #Digitalization strategy


By 2010, Domino’s Pizza had been through years of deceitful results and was now facing a reputation crisis. Consumer taste tests showed the weaknesses of the products and the distrust that customers had toward the brand. The company’s share price had hit an all-time low at $3 and with the worst customer satisfaction level of their history; Domino’s was faced with a choice: leave it as it is or change and evolve. In this hyper competitive business, the CEO, Patrick Doyle, and the Chief Digital Officer, Dennis Maloney, worked hand-in-hand to bring Domino’s to new horizons. After a hard look at their reality, they introduced the pizza turnaround and used new technologies to revolutionize the ordering and delivering experience for their customers. A new recipe and a complete change of direction for the business and 10 years later, Domino’s is the undisputed leader in the Pizza delivery industry and experienced a higher share price evolution that any other pizza company but also than most of today’s digital players (Apple, Amazon, Netflix…). Its revenue more than doubled and its Net Income jumped from a mere $80 million to more than $400 millions of dollars. Domino’s efforts have been fruitful and the company is setting the pace for competitors, but the pizza industry is constantly growing and the customer expectations are changing and the market’s future is more uncertain than ever. Domino’s is still facing challenges, every single competitors is now trying to catch up, Pizza Hut highly increased its investment allocated to new technologies and the arrival of foodservice delivery platform is changing the game. Will the company be able to maintain their competitive edge? What will it take to stay in the leadership position?


ケースID 20-1096
登録 2020
業界 配達飲食サービス業
分析領域 経営戦略
ページ数 26
言語 English
ティーチングノート あり