

Case Method


Case Library

Microsoft 2023

#Strategy #Evolution #Ethics


The case covers the intricacies of the acquisition of Activision Blizzard by Microsoft. Microsoft is famous for its operating systems and is the most popular operating system in the world. But the company has expanded into the gaming industry and became the third largest competitor. With the release of Xbox, Microsoft has been able to generate a platform that connects users from all over the world. Consoles, online capabilities and community development are all innovations Microsoft created to change the gaming industry. Despite such investments, Sony has still maintained its position as the largest gaming company. Sony has had better exclusive titles and a more popular console since the creation of the Xbox. Microsoft intent of acquisition of a company the size of Activision Blizzard is significant because of the message it sends to the rest of industry. This is explored within the case. Microsoft has taken into account the current state of the industry and its current offerings and how this acquisition would benefit the company in the future. Exclusives titles and future gaming ventures are the methods that Microsoft has adapted for the goal of growth. However, none have been of such a large scale. In this acquisition the company and the head of Xbox, Microsoft’s gaming division, must determine whether it is worth fighting many hurdles to complete the acquisition. This means legal battles with government agencies on topics such as anti-trust and fair competition policies. As well as, combining the strengths of both companies to generate value for Microsoft and be successful.


ケースID 23-1077
登録 2023
業界 その他
分析領域 総合経営
ページ数 22
言語 English
ティーチングノート あり