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Fresher Interview Series V.《Global MBA》

#MBA #ビジネススクール #新入生 #interview

Hiroki from Japan , Full-time MBA student

Freshers starting their MBA this April have arrived to the campus from around the world. We have asked some of them of their impression on the program and NUCB Business School.

Why did you choose NUCB Business School ?

I choose NUCB Business School because of the dual accreditation and the international atmosphere. Since I’m planning to work internationally, the educational background is very important for me and NUCB Business School has definitely things to show. Also, to develop my knowledge and skills, it is important to put myself into an international atmosphere. The people around the world have different and their own way of thinking, and that will stimulate the learning process in my opinion.

What are your first impressions of the MBA program?

Before enrolling I was away from learning to do an internship. Therefore, I was looking forward to relearn and also to develop even further what I’ve learned during the internship. I felt that the program would do that for me.

Could you share with us your first sight experience about the classes at NUCB Business School ?

It is very interesting and challenging. Since every student contribute to the class, I have to listen, think, and contribute to the class as well. I feel that other students are helping me to learn, and I have to study to give back to what they have done to me.

Would you highlight any lecturer or subject which caught your attention ?

The statistics class has caught my attention. Lots of marketing theory and it also shows you what you can do with it in the real business deals. It explains how people interpret the market information. I found that in some cases only one’s strong emotion plays the major role on the market place . In some case emotion could be stronger in decision making than a general idea or business theory. This can be dangerous, because it can be bias. So in any business case and field, it is also important to analyze and think through some scientific way. Furthermore I felt that content of this lecture can be utilized in the future to provide effective choices in decision making situations.

Kitano Hiroki Full-time MBA student