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本学留学生が大相撲名古屋場所を観覧しました!《Global Leader Program》

先日、幸運にも学長からプレゼントされたチケットに当選した本学Global Leader Programに所属する4名の留学生が、大相撲名古屋場所を観にいってきました。土俵にとても近い席で迫力ある日本の伝統スポーツを楽しみ、忘れられない日本の思い出になったようです。


"The sumo tournament was very exciting and we had fun a lot. I was lucky enough to see people throwing zabuton to the stage when yokozuna lost the game. It is the first time to see the "aggressiveness" of Japanese people. Thank you all for providing us such a precious opportunity to experience the real Japan culture."

"I thank you and president of school for giving us a chance to watch Sumo Tournament. It was first time in my life watching this game live.
Thanks to NUCB we could turn the event into nice memory. Hope this chance will be given to following exchange students that they can also have chance to better understand Japan, its traditions and culture."