

Case Method


Case Library

EAE Monaco 2019

#Private Banking #Conduct of the change #strategic thinking


The case his about the Eduard Alphonse Elric private banking company in Monaco and shows the exposure and the successful adaptation of a private banking to various factors such as economical, legal, and political factors in an extremely competitive environment. In this case we follow a decision maker: Patrick Ackerman, who has made most of his career at EAE Monaco and who became a managing director in 2007, and then a CEO. The case period is from 2007 when Ackerman became a managing director of the bank until 2018. After a presentation of the company, its environment, the evolution of its industry, the case show the whole adaptation process of the company to remains competitive and keep its excellence standard while performing new risk management measure.


ケースID 19-1081
登録 2019
業界 銀行(中央銀行を除く)
分析領域 アカウンティング
ページ数 28
言語 English
ティーチングノート あり