

Case Method


Case Library

Nhat Huy Khang Co.,ltd 2019

#Family Business #Risk management #Stakeholder Allignment


Nhat Huy Khang co.,ltd (NHHK) is a global human labor resources company that was founded in 2009. Since then, the company has grown and become the 2nd ranking in the market in Vietnam. NHHK is a family based company and its founder has extended experiment in the business before founded the company. The company’s main market is Japan, where the population crisis over the past few years has increased the demand for labor worker in the country. But before, the business was heavily regulated and controlled by the government with only three companies position in the North, South and Middle region of Vietnam. There are other markets for labor exports including Russia, Taiwan, Malaysia, Korea and some countries in the Middle East. The case will follow the view of one of the founder of the company, who has experienced in the industry for over 15 years. From his point of view, readers will have deep insight and understand many unique aspects of a mid size family business. Despite the fast grown and good public reputation since the company was founded , NHHK has been facing many challenges since it was founded. The industry is facing negative views from the public, which also affects the company’s image. Employees and managers within the company grow different interest overtime. As the company grows in size, so with its challenges with micro-management, public relations, stake holder alignment and its risk management policy. This case will explore how the company is currently managing its current business under constant pressure over these challenges. Through these insights readers will also learn many unique aspect of managing in new Asia; how companies cope and thrive within high level of corruption. The case will also provide deep knowledge about micro-management within the family business context.


ケースID 20-1010
登録 2020
業界 職業紹介業
分析領域 総合経営
ページ数 30
言語 English
ティーチングノート あり