

Case Method


Case Library

Vever 2020

#Family business #luxury #sustainability


This case deals with a dilemma faced by Camille Vever, a descendant of the illustrious Vever family at the head of the well-known French jewelry house Vever. After closing its doors at the end of the 20th century, in 2020 Camille wants to relaunch the French jewelry company. In an increasingly eco-responsible and ethical consumer society, Camille would like Vever to adapt to social change. Camille wonders what solution to adopt: keep the model that has made the brand so successful or follow her desire for change. She finds herself faced with a dilemma, with three options open to her. The most environmentally friendly and ethical option was to offer laboratory-grown diamonds. However, laboratory-grown diamonds did not have a good reputation in the jewelry industry and were not considered valuable by customers. The second option was to choose diamonds that followed the Kimberley Process, which tended to guarantee a certain traceability of diamonds. However, this traceability is far from perfect. The final option was to offer one collection with traditional diamonds following the Kimberley process and another eco-responsible collection with laboratory-grown diamonds. This latter option would pose problems of inconsistency. The jewelry market in France, eco-responsible and ethical trends, buyer psychology and all the biases surrounding the purchase of a piece of jewelry will be taken into account in the analysis of the decision-making process that will ensure Vever's longevity in this highly competitive market.


ケースID 23-1081
登録 2023
業界 その他
分析領域 マーケティング
ページ数 31
言語 English
ティーチングノート あり