

Case Method


Case Library

Amazon 2022

#Philanthropy #Geopolitical crisis #Project Management


This case exposes the response of the e-commerce company Amazon to a geopolitical crisis,the war in Ukraine. We follow Isabelle, the leader of Amazon's European philanthropic team, called Amazon in the Community. She is in charge of leading an international donation project to help the victims of the war. To make this project a sustainable program, she has to face several problems: create a global team to meet the needs of all countries, manage this international team, manage the flow of information, create a system of reporting and validation of the associations for which they will make donations, all this to lead to an automated and functional system in the long run. Her team also has to think about how to go deeper in their project, using the resources of Amazon in order to be more effective and offer different types of help depending on short or long-term needs.Overall, this case tackles how a philanthropic business can be run within a bigger infrastructure and for international scope. Of course, it also challenges the impact of the project and how deep the team can go into helping Ukraine while facing various pressures.


ケースID 23-1083
登録 2023
業界 その他
分析領域 オペレーションマネジメント
ページ数 22
言語 English
ティーチングノート あり