

Case Method


Case Library

DouDouDoujin 2023

#Startup #Innovation Strategy #Diversification


DouDouDoujin is a self-published (“Doujinshi”) Manga Communication platform that was created by Shoichiro Mizutani in 2022 as a result of a business diversification strategy. In the last two years, numerous companies and business owners in Japan were experiencing the effects of COVID 19 and a general decline in sales. It is with this that many of them, including Mizutani grasped at the opportunity to take the Japanese Government Restructuring Subsidy offered for startup creation as a way to diversify their business. As an innovative, digital product and new department within a 150-year-old business, Mizuku Printing, DouDouDoujin was set up in the hopes that it could generate profits for the declining printing business in the long run. Mizutani, who also doubled as Director and Corporate Planning Officer of Mizuku Printing, set up the new platform business, with the approval of the current CEO, his father and 6th generation successor, Shinji Mizutani. With a rising demand for Manga and participation from various stakeholders including YouTubers and Voiceover artists, DouDouDoujin presented a unique business model for the Manga Industry. Designed by exploring a “New Publishing Mechanism” based on digital technology re-engineered from the traditional ‘analogue’ printing technology. However, in his pursuit of creating the platform, Mizutani, recalled his dream of entrepreneurship, business administration and his interest in starting his own business one day. The founder of DouDouDoujin now finds himself at a crossroads where he is faced with the dilemma on how best to implement the DouDouDoujin business model. He wondered if he should stay domestic, go overseas into the international market, or forget about being an entrepreneur altogether and focus on the printing company. The case aims to provide insights into an entrepreneur’s journey towards the creation of a startup, from inception to execution, with deep emphasis on innovation and diversification strategies.


ケースID 23-1183
登録 2023
業界 その他
分析領域 ベンチャービジネス
ページ数 32
言語 English
ティーチングノート あり