

Case Method


Case Library

Amefrec Co. Ltf. 2015

#M&A PMI #Aquaculture #Global Management


Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) are popular strategies used by businesses to achieve growth quickly and efficiently. However, cross-border mergers come with their own set of risks and may lead to failure due to cultural differences and other challenges. In this case study, we'll take a closer look at how an old Japanese company named Amefrec, established in 1936 successfully entered the Indian market by forming a joint venture with a local Indian partner ABS Airtech in 2012. At first, the company was thriving, with promising growth prospects. However, as time passed, communication gaps and cultural differences began to surface between the Indian and Japanese management teams. These differences led to points of contention that threatened to disrupt the company's progress and success.These seemingly small differences can pose significant challenges for businesses working together, and we'll explore the challenges faced by both Amefrec and its Indian partner in managing the joint venture.Additionally, we'll highlight some key points to consider when dealing with cross-border mergers and acquisitions, so that businesses can avoid potential pitfalls and achieve success from the initial phase of Post-Merger Integration.All the relevant information and data have been taken from the old data of email communications between the management people of the company, Company websites, Wikipedia, Market Survey Reports, and Public news.


ケースID 23-1186
登録 2023
業界 製造業
分析領域 総合経営
ページ数 20
言語 English
ティーチングノート あり